Testosterone decreases as you age, but other factors can also cause low testosterone levels, such as certain medications, high levels of body fat and certain health problems (1,. In recent years, Dr. Spyros Mezitis, PhD, has found himself talking to many more male patients about low testosterone levels, a diagnosis that he says is becoming increasingly common. On the one hand, the increase in the diagnosis of low testosterone levels is due to an aging population, lower stigma and more accurate tests.
But there's another important reason why men come to the Mezitis office to get a testosterone test. Doctors will want to rule out any possible explanation for the symptoms before blaming them on low testosterone levels. They'll also want to request a specific blood test to determine a man's testosterone level. Hedges agrees, warning that even if a man has no symptoms, he may be advised to seek treatment.
Low testosterone levels often lead to decreased bone density, meaning bones become more fragile and increasingly likely to break. You can expect your testosterone level to decrease gradually as you age. Treatment is sometimes considered if you have symptoms related to low testosterone. If a young man's low testosterone is a problem for a couple trying to get pregnant, gonadotropin injections may be an option in some cases.
These are hormones that tell the body to produce more testosterone. This can increase sperm count. Hedges also describes implantable testosterone granules, a relatively new form of treatment in which several granules are placed under the skin of the buttocks, where they release testosterone over the course of approximately three to four months. Nasal injections and gels may be other options for some men.
Testosterone levels are naturally much higher in people who are assigned the AMAB than in people who are assigned a woman at birth (AFAB). However, the bottom line is that if you have symptoms of low testosterone, it's important to see your doctor. In the case of younger men, the decrease in testosterone levels may be due to certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, chronic liver or kidney disease, COPD or other lung disease, or pituitary gland problems, according to Dr. The Dr.
It's hard for researchers to estimate how common low testosterone is, as different studies have different definitions of low testosterone levels. In men who do not produce the hormone in the testicles due to a condition such as Klinefelter syndrome, or those who have lost their testicles due to cancer, testosterone replacement therapy is the only option. Other treatments for low testosterone levels include weight loss and other lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier and increasing exercise. Testosterone levels generally decline with age, so older men tend to have low levels of testosterone in their blood.
While testosterone levels never reach zero (as do estrogen levels in women during menopause), low testosterone levels in men experience symptoms such as fatigue, low sexual desire, and loss of muscle mass. Once a young person stops taking testosterone supplements, there is a chance that their sperm count will never return to what they had before they started. Basically, if your testicles continue to produce less testosterone than normal, your blood testosterone levels will drop. These testosterone supplements come in the form of gels, injections, patches, long-acting granules, or oral inserts.
The hypothalamus and pituitary gland normally control the amount of testosterone produced and released by the testicles. Although many symptoms may be related to low levels of testosterone (low T), the total level of testosterone in the blood is the most important measure of testosterone deficiency. Men with type 2 diabetes and low testosterone levels performed better on memory tests when they received testosterone replacement therapy, a small experiment. In patients who remain stable with TT, total testosterone and certain other laboratory tests should be checked every 6 to 12 months.